Published Monday, July 17, 2006 by SROmgmt. 
...Because she had this funny feeling before I was born that I was going to be an artist when I grew up...

I came across some of my old artwork last month. Found it stashed on a floppy disk (yes, a floppy disk) in my ancient laptop. It's too bad the photographs + scan didn't capture all of the details from the drawings, but that's what you get with archaic technology.
The top was an image called "Reflections," inspired by Edward S. Curtis' image of a medicine man (age 16). I intended it to be a statement of what we can and will become... A look into Present-Past, Past-Future, Present-Future.
The bottom is called "Transformation." I used the likeness of my own face, meant to be slightly androgenous to give no bias to a man or woman. The "spiritual" and "visual" transformation metamorphed into Earth's creatures. Part of it was cut off in the scan, but it included aboriginal countenances, tree frog, lizard, chameleon, bird, butterfly, and tree insect. The species "look" like actual species, but were meant to be slightly different to give them no bias to any one creature. I created symmetry with the piece, but also made it a point to combine each organism's feature as part of another, symoblic that we all come from the same place. Hence, the tree frog's eye, was the eye of the aborigine; the pads of it's foot was part of the aborigine's nose. The entire drawing was circular, symbolic in many indigenous tribes, representing the circularity of the world.
I've "retired" my drawing for quite some time now. Note that I did these when I was 16 and 17. I wish I had more to put up, but I sold so many of my pieces even before I turned 18. Probably will pick it back up again when I'm a little older....We'll see...